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25 May 2024 ~ 4 min read

20 Funny Random Memes that Make No Sense

Ever stumbled upon a meme that left you giggling but also thinking, “Wait, what?” Well, you’re in for a treat! In this article, we’ve curated a delightful collection of 20 random memes that defy logic and embrace pure absurdity.

Get ready to chuckle and scratch your head simultaneously as we explore the wonderful realm of memes that make no sense.

The Ultimate Collection of Funny Random Memes

  1. The Classic Dilemma:

    • Caption: “When you put something in a ‘safe place’ and then forget where that place is.”
    • Image: Confused dog looking around cluelessly in a room full of bones.
  2. Monday Vibes:

    • Caption: “Me on Monday mornings trying to find the will to adult.”
    • Image: A panda clinging onto a tree branch, refusing to come down.
  3. Unexpected Guests:

    • Caption: “When unexpected visitors ring the doorbell.”
    • Image: A cat staring wide-eyed into the camera with an empty pizza box beside it.
  4. Diet Struggles:

    • Caption: “Trying to eat healthy like…”
    • Image: A squirrel stuffing its cheeks with Cheetos.
  5. Weather Confusion:

    • Caption: “When the weather app says sunny but it’s pouring outside.”
    • Image: A penguin in sunglasses, standing in the rain with a cocktail.
  6. Tech Support Woes:

    • Caption: “Calling tech support be like…”
    • Image: A monkey staring at a broken computer screen with a magnifying glass.
  7. Math Problems:

    • Caption: “Me trying to calculate how much sleep I’ll get if I fall asleep right now.”
    • Image: A sloth holding an abacus upside down.
  8. Fashion Choices:

    • Caption: “When you order clothes online and they look nothing like the picture.”
    • Image: A sheep wearing oversized sunglasses and a Hawaiian shirt.
  9. Zoom Meetings:

    • Caption: “That moment when you realize you’re on mute during a Zoom meeting.”
    • Image: A group of owls staring blankly at a laptop screen.
  10. Pet Ownership Realities:

    • Caption: “The face you make when your pet acts like they’re the boss.”
    • Image: A turtle wearing a tiny crown sitting on a throne made of lettuce.
  11. Cooking Adventures:

    • Caption: “Me following a recipe vs. what I actually cook.”
    • Image: A bear chef in a kitchen filled with smoke and chaos.
  12. Fitness Goals:

    • Caption: “Me attempting a new workout routine.”
    • Image: A giraffe struggling to reach a treadmill.
  13. Time Management Issues:

    • Caption: “When you blink and suddenly it’s midnight.”
    • Image: A hamster looking startled at a clock showing 12:01 AM.
  14. Library Etiquette:

    • Caption: “Trying not to sneeze in a silent library.”
    • Image: A fox holding a sneeze with a tissue box beside it.
  15. Holiday Expectations vs. Reality:

    • Caption: “Planning a holiday vs. the actual holiday.”
    • Image: A kangaroo with a suitcase looking lost in a snowstorm.
  16. DIY Fails:

    • Caption: “Nailed it! Or not…”
    • Image: A raccoon surrounded by crafting supplies and a disastrous handmade project.
  17. Procrastination Woes:

    • Caption: “Me promising to start at 8 PM vs. actually starting at 11:59 PM.”
    • Image: A cat with a to-do list longer than itself, sitting next to an alarm clock.
  18. Packing Nightmares:

    • Caption: “Trying to fit everything into a suitcase.”
    • Image: A bear sitting on an overstuffed suitcase with clothes bursting out.
  19. Pet Photobombs:

    • Caption: “Trying to take a cute selfie with your pet.”
    • Image: A dog photobombing a selfie by sticking its tongue out.
  20. Grocery Shopping Struggles:

    • Caption: “When you only came for milk but leave with a cart full.”
    • Image: A penguin in a grocery store with a cart piled high with fish.


There you have it, folks! 20 hilariously random memes that are sure to brighten your day and leave you pondering the mysteries of meme logic. Share these gems with your friends and spread the laughter! Which meme was your favorite? Let us know in the comments below. Until next time, keep laughing and meme-ing.

Jeff H. Gallegos

Jeff H. Gallegos is a software engineer in Philadelphia and the main developer behind Known for its Random AI Meme Generator, showcases Jeff's knack for combining AI and humor to create engaging user experiences.