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13 June 2024 ~ 5 min read

What AI Are People Using for Memes?

In today’s digital age, the rise of AI has revolutionized many aspects of our online experience, including the creation of memes. AI-driven tools have made meme creation more accessible, efficient, and creative than ever before. So, what AI are people using for memes?

Let’s dive in.

Super Meme stands out as an AI meme generator that leverages sophisticated algorithms to transform text into memes based on emotional cues. Its ability to detect and reflect emotions in visual formats makes it a favorite among meme enthusiasts. is another widely popular tool powered by OpenAI’s GPT-3. This platform allows users to create unique meme templates with ease, eliminating the need for any prior image editing skills. Its user-friendly interface and continuous feature improvements make it a go-to for many.

Key Takeaways

  • Super Meme: Converts text into memes based on emotions.

  • Uses GPT-3 to generate original meme templates.

  • User-Friendly: Both platforms offer intuitive interfaces.

  • Realistic and High-Quality: AI-generated memes look highly realistic and professional.

  • Creativity Boost: These tools enhance creativity and meme quality.

By incorporating AI, these tools are not just simplifying meme creation but also elevating the art form itself. Whether you’re a casual user or a meme aficionado, AI-powered meme generators are reshaping the way we create and enjoy memes.

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What Is This Meme Does Not Exist?

This Meme Does Not Exist is an innovative online tool that leverages AI technology to create humorous captions for popular meme images. The core of its functionality is driven by machine learning algorithms trained extensively on meme data. Here’s a breakdown of how it works and the technology behind it:

Concept and Operation

  • Machine Learning Algorithm: The tool uses a machine learning algorithm specifically trained on 48 popular meme templates and around 20,000 captions per meme. This extensive training allows the AI to generate captions that are contextually appropriate and often amusing.

  • Caption Generation: The AI generates captions by blending human-created humor. It chops up these captions and reassembles them in novel ways. The AI doesn’t understand why something is funny but learns patterns that often result in humorous outcomes.

  • User Interaction: Users can interact with the tool by repeatedly clicking to generate new captions. If they find a particularly funny result, they can save and share it, adding a social aspect to the experience.

AI Technology

  • Neural Networks: The backbone of this meme generator is neural networks, which are designed to mimic the human brain’s processing patterns. These networks analyze the vast dataset of captions and images to learn how to pair them effectively.

  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLP techniques enable the AI to understand and manipulate language, allowing it to generate coherent and relevant captions. It processes the text data, learning from various linguistic cues and patterns present in the training data.

  • Imgflip Integration: Created by Dylan Wenzlau, founder of Imgflip, This Meme Does Not Exist integrates seamlessly with the Imgflip platform, allowing for easy sharing and engagement.

Machine Learning AlgorithmTrained on 48 meme templates and 20,000 captions per memeGenerates captions by recombining parts of human-created captions
Neural NetworksMimic human brain processing to learn patternsGenerates humorous and contextually relevant captions
Natural Language Processing (NLP)Processes and understands language patternsCreates coherent and appropriate captions for memes
Imgflip IntegrationAllows users to save and share generated memesEnhances user engagement and social sharing

How to Create AI Memes With Our AI Meme Generator is an online platform that offers a variety of tools for creating and sharing memes. Among its features, Imgflip provides an AI meme generator that leverages deep artificial neural networks to craft memes. This AI-driven tool enables users to produce memes by selecting from popular templates or submitting their own text prompts.

The AI, trained on vast amounts of user-generated content, generates memes based on these inputs, though it’s important to note that the content may not be censored or curated.

Here’s a detailed look at how to create AI memes with Imgflip:

Step Action Details
1 Access Visit the AIMemeHub website to start creating memes.
2 Upload Your Image Select an image and upload it in
3 Choose Personality, Style, and Language: Choose Personality, Style, and Language you want.
4 Click "Generate Meme" After selecting all options, click "Generate Meme" Button. The AI will create a meme based on the input.
5 Save and Share Once satisfied, save your meme and share it on social media or other platforms.


In the vibrant world of memes, AI has become the artist’s new brush, reshaping how we create and enjoy humor online.

Super Meme, leveraging emotional cues to transform text into impactful visuals, and, powered by GPT-3, streamline meme creation with user-friendly interfaces that require no design skills. These tools democratize meme artistry, offering anyone the ability to generate high-quality, emotionally resonant memes with ease.

Meanwhile, platforms like This Meme Does Not Exist use machine learning to remix and generate witty captions, bringing fresh creativity to familiar templates. AI’s ability to analyze trends and personalize content means memes are more relevant and engaging, aligning perfectly with current cultural moments.

As AI continues to evolve, it not only simplifies meme creation but elevates the medium, ensuring that the next viral sensation could be just a click away.

Jeff H. Gallegos

Jeff H. Gallegos is a software engineer in Philadelphia and the main developer behind Known for its Random AI Meme Generator, showcases Jeff's knack for combining AI and humor to create engaging user experiences.